Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

organic clothing

We love our cotton – whether we are for organic bedding or a new natural t-shirt. But if you have not heard about the incredible effects of conventional cotton, the environment, you will be interested in these facts and figures about how cotton is grown and processed to read, and why organic cotton is so superior to traditional options.
Hands down, the organic waste is better for the planet. This is especially true if you compare organic bedding options, such as organic cotton, bamboo and wool, wool with conventional production. There are many reasons why the conventional cotton is harmful to the planet:
Although cotton only uses 2.5% of global arable land, it consumes 11% of the pesticides in the world and 24% of insecticides in the world, making it the dirtiest and most toxic plants for people to grow.
Three of the most widely used insecticides for cotton as dangerous by the World Health Organization.
Uses up to one third pounds of fertilizer (by-products of fossil fuels) to grow a pound of cotton, so that your shirt is more chemicals than cotton. Nitrogenous fertilizers pollute water and leach nutrients from the soil.
Most cotton is grown in developing countries, where farmers use chemical fertilizers and pesticides without wearing protective clothing because of lax or nonexistent security.
At the end of conventional cotton, hazardous chemicals, such as silicone waxes, toxic plasticizers, heavy metals, ammonia and formaldehyde are used, many of which are free to flow in streams and lakes without treatment, killing aquatic ecosystems. Finishing Organic cotton is also more environmentally friendly than the processing standards prohibit use of harsh chemicals.
Despite the fact that the World Trade Organization, U.S. farm subsidies illegal in 2005, including those offered to cotton farmers said they still harm small farmers today. Here’s why:
Ten percent of the conventional cotton farmers in the U.S. received 78% of the subsidies.
Sixty-eight percent of U.S. non-organic cotton is exported far below production costs.
The choice of natural alternatives to traditional sleep systems by looking for organic cotton in the bio-organic mattresses and bedding, thus helping small farmers, protect the ecosystem and results in a healthier end product for you.
Fashion & Earth offers organic clothing, organic mattress brands and more at affordable prices. Experience the feeling of wearing (and sleeping), organic bedding and clothing.

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