Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

fight battles.

With the Ministry of Labour, the results of a 9.1% unemployment rate (of which 12.4% or more families), we can only do that every day stress in the home for the whole family concerns.
Many times the teacher does not have this situation. The families are, such as the preschool tuition fees are paid in addition to other bills concerned. This situation could possibly need, unemployment in the family to withdraw their child from the care of the obvious financial reasons. Many families are trying to school their children, not only to help them find the time to get a job, but also the continuity of their child during this uncertain time.
Preschool children living on the daily routines. You may not be aware of the unemployment or whatever it is, but they know that mom or dad, for example, wearing blue jeans, as they fall into the school today and mom and dad just wear blue jeans on “their day “. Small children can, by a sudden separation problems of the parents (they want the day with them!) Response. Changes in the routines at this age and can not prove confusion in the behavior typical of this child.
Some effects of unemployment for young children include:
Behavioral changes such as sudden or renewed separation anxiety.
Hitting, biting or other aggressive behavior of atypical growth. This confusion may be due to changes in routines, lack of sleep or perhaps even hunger.
Impaired concentration and memory (lack of sleep, poor diet and / or chronic stress).
1  Maintain your daily routine
Families should try to keep their daily routine as consistent as they can.
Teachers must also always the same routines. The consistency and predictability helps young children feel more secure.
Families: Communication is the key. Hear, hear, and listen some more, families and children.
2  Keep children (and families) are involved in healthy habits.
Children (and adults!) The tendency to more restless energy, says if. Small children need strategies to burn that off!
Families to encourage parents to burn their young children to walk every day stress or anxiety and together for some fun time together. In addition, the meal or diet change is less prominent. Also, consider healthy snack alternatives for children with cookies or anything for a snack or lunch.
3  Remember the group of lines at the beginning of the year and, if necessary.
Families have to do everything, instead of the same behavior expectations and consequences. Parents may need your help to find out with “to fight battles.”
Teacher: As discussed above, it is so important, your expectations and routines are the same. The children need to know some things have not changed.
Demonstrate and verbalize your love.
Families: The old saying is true! “Hug a long, hard and often!” The amount of stress, anxiety and fear among the families in the enormous unemployment. Remind them to take a break and just read a story with their children and take time to take an extra hug!
Teacher: Reach out to families. Give books or book lists to help with this period of isolation for their children.
Unemployment in the long run in this economy, so that the stress and the effects on children. Pay attention to changes in behavior and maintains open communication with parents and constant!

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