Rabu, 20 April 2011

ayun ayun

* Require that any work written in complete sentences with proper grammar.
* Expect your child as often as possible and write to correct errors
* Instead of your child 10 or short-answer questions from text to answer, leave it or take questions and answers written in a few paragraphs ideas.
* Prepare a written summary of this chapter of the text or section of a chapter reinforces not only improve the writing skills, but also the conservation of matter
Laboratory reports must be written in the correct format with clear and follow abstract abstract also to all other required documents
* Ensure that all work properly and math scores are displayed in the right graph or chart format.
* Never accept the comment “Why are you correcting my writing and arithmetic?” I thought we were doing science. “Instead, explain what you are doing is so important. Numeracy, and graphics are all part of science.
These steps in science class, prepare your child for the future success of all efforts he continues. PostTagIcon Tags: , , , , , , ,

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