Jumat, 04 November 2011


Very few cat owners might be surprised to find that dealing with and try to understand the behavior biting cat. Suppose you have a problem with a universal solution, and even though it’s not that simple. Many different causes of cat bites, are in fact.
Fed bed
Like the others, you love making cat-back, but it would have been that bites for no reason. Cats in a fun for a minute, but may be the next food vehicle that has a very short attention span. Another reason may have reached a sensitive area. If the tail is flat and vibration as the ears, if you follow the signs are usually easy to avoid being bitten.
If you have found or saved the cat, we are faced with a chance to attack because the past times, there is always. Some of them are not treated correctly, can not be further socialized as a kitten, however, may be associated with aggressive tendencies.
Often afraid or under his tail and ears, cats feel threatened, folded back. Allow time for them to trust! Would have a chance to pet the cat back, talk to him calmly and avoid sudden movements to scare response. If you have a kitten, make sure you take the time to properly socialize.
When people are angry with something or someone, such as cats, directs his aggression. If you make a mad thing, that those who are usually accused of billing, ironically, often people they love.
Dogs, cats must meet the local people believe it is a protection of their property. The external behavior can be developed as an adult cat. Another cat, or a stranger entering their territory, they are very concerned about this. If you do not bite even if they are aggressive, often turn their anger to you.
In case of illness or pain
This is the average cat crazy or insane, is important to assume that the actions of corrosion. If you do not see anything physically wrong with the cat because it just does not need medical attention. The legs or back, can cause severe pain, arthritis or neurological diseases.
Sometimes it bites the dominant problem. They are home in bed, fireplace and hot spot next to the window because some natural feel of carpet. They are not friendly to penetrate the human animal, or what I do not like any other place. Also, when the social and treatment can occur in cats, including everything. A lot of love and attention the best way to solve the cat bite.


Answer Yes! This is very easy to mix the urine out of the box marking the land. But your cat is very different meanings. If you know the difference and determine whether the cat urine, or sign up to be almost impossible to get to the root of the problem.
Many cat owners ignore this key factor is the difference between cat urine or marking.
To create a suffocating smell of ammonia in urine and make your home in two. Urine
Urinary bladder emptying is a simple act. If you look carefully you stand or squat in the cat and you’ll notice Pees on a horizontal surface. We are not always happy in the box on a horizontal surface, but surface quilt or rug, the dining room when they are not fun.
A cat may be out of the box for various reasons. Urine is more common in cats that are sterilized at home. This is unacceptable behavior to eliminate 90% of cats “fixed” Get a possibility. However, the cat, it’s unacceptable behavior will have to find another way to stop the 10 biriyse.
The bladder is a serious disease of the box. Your cat is sick and needs medical help can be. After removal of cat health problems, anxiety, anger, fear, or other means may be more likely to express feelings. My roommate, Carolyn, be careful with empty suitcases and turn right on a trip, or a cat, Tru, open box, take him to pee on top of dirty clothes. Carolyn’s empty suitcase after a short period of time, and the content taught in the closet before you put it back in to pee in Tru. An effective strategy will help you get your cat getting to the root of emotional problems.
Description of a health problem or emotional contrast to the soil, is marked. Acute urinary and anal glands to mark territory by spraying a mixture of chemical life for thousands of years living abroad, cats, and, for the. To understand the taste of urine marking is different from a regular nose spray. Which will be held parallel to the ground tail cats, urine on a horizontal surface. Kitchen cabinets or sofa, behind the goals, such as cat feet, tail and vertical surfaces of high Brands. Cats have a brand message: “It’s mine!” Once the cat, the patient is angry or possessive, to meet the needs of the cat it is best to formulate an effective strategy to help you, so you can live again in a free zone to determine the breath ammonia. If the situation the best strategy to help achieve some of my other items look.

Rabu, 02 November 2011


Walk around the area during the summer months, with ponds, marshes and shorelines, and you’ll often see these beautiful insects in the general environment, because they prefer the calmer waters. There are about 30 species of dragonflies in Britain and Ireland, and they fall into five families and fourteen generations. The five most important families are classified as sellers, Chasers, emeralds, skimmers, and dart players.
Dragonflies of the order of insects called Ordonata that girls as well. While the ladies are of the suborder Zygoptera, Anisoptera Dragonflies belong to the order subcontractor. The Greek name means “unequal wings”. Dragonflies are wider and shorter hind wings compared to the pair of wings. Dragonflies have six legs, but most of them can not walk very well.
Dragonflies are exceptionally fast flyers, and are valued as one of the fastest insects in the world. Some foreign species of dragonflies have a cruising speed of ten miles per hour, with a maximum speed of thirty-four miles per hour!
Dragonflies look different to girls. Not only the wings behind a different format, the dragonfly can not hold his wings against his body, like damselflies, he has to stick right away from his body. The girl is clearly separated from the eyes, while the eyes Dragonflies normally meet.
As girls, female dragonflies their eggs in water, and hatching of nymphs in the water. They look incredibly strange, with a bit crispy looking on his back. Most of their life cycle underwater is actually spent as a nymph. The nymph of their life cycle up to four years, depending on the species. Dragonfly nymphs, other, smaller dragonfly nymphs eat both. Once the transformation is complete, the pupa rises a stem of the plant, water nymph and is its transformation to emerge as an adult dragonfly.
The life of an adult dragonfly is usually only a few months. Meanwhile, the search for a partner, and eat small insects, including flies, mosquitoes, bees, ants and butterflies sometimes. They are bigger than girls, for example, Southern Hawker Dragonfly is six inches long, while the girls are usually only three inches long. They have an elongated abdomen, a large portion of the wing. This is usually in color, but the colors are generally thicker than that of the Demoiselle, such as blue and black, black is thicker and tires will be blue.
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Imagine going to sleep for many decades and when you wake up, most of all his friends dead and you missed a large part of human history. When you return to the place where she had lived, everything changed. You do not know how to handle the new aircraft flight, which naturally lead themselves, and continue with your knowledge, training, experience and career are basically redundant.
If you think this scenario is hypothetical, think again, as a human science is almost 2-3 years will be quite possible. Well, you can not have too much concern for psychologists, but if you think that suicide rates are very difficult for returning soldiers, so when you return from sleep and has no friends, very small family and grandchildren whose parents never knew, and whose grandparents were just babies in the audit.
Why do you volunteer for a long-term dream?
Well, if you travel to a distant solar system, or another solar system and back to sleep in both directions during the trip? What if you had a disease and scientists have not discovered the cure and once woke up about 50,000 of you all with the same disease and healing and the company to be!
Because not enough psychologists now use avatars and computer systems. This speaks to a virtual friend, rather than a real person to help them with their psychological trauma, or adjust to the society.
Some thoughts are not allowed, and re-set to help but let his friends think of your avatar, and can be just as much as you want, but are not willing to deal with ordinary human, however, because it uses all the normal human be to know what changed, everything changed.
The world has changed since he left.
Indeed, anyone who wakes up under suicide watch, and his thoughts can be checked in case it hurt, then all thoughts to share with your avatar goes to a central computer. If you start thinking about the idea that the government appears at your door to protect themselves by taking a certain distance. Well, now you get 100% perfectly healthy and young, you have a new energy and feel good, even if you’re just in a happy moment, but disturbing.
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The telescopes are used for various purposes. Both telescopes and binoculars are often used for bird watching, stargazing and other activities. If you are interested in buying a telescope to observe a number of factors to consider. Larger telescopes provide sharper images and wider, while the smaller, more limited in what users see.
The craftsmanship of a telescope is one of the key features to look. This refers to the material and how it is produced. Optical instruments of any type of engineering require strong to work, so the details are really important. Some will say that the consumer purchases for the telescopes to avoid department stores, and instead those who are certified in telescopes. These stores have people who have experienced them, and could well explain the differences between each model.
Another attribute telescope to consider is the optical design. Several types are available, such as a refractor, Newtonian reflector, Schmidt – Cassegrain Maksutov Cassegrain and.
What you should also think of atmospheric turbulence. This refers to how well a telescope shows the faint objects. Also need to decide how big an opening you want. The larger, more light may be collected and the result is a brighter image. A wider aperture also means that the telescope will be more expensive.
If you have little or no knowledge about telescopes and are not sure what to buy, try to ask others for more than one expert. There telescope online forums and review sites useful. Most of these people have at least some knowledge and experience with telescopes. Magazines are also an excellent resource to help you find a telescope and help you learn more about astronomy.
There are many different types of telescopes specially designed for certain purposes. In general, the more expensive model, the higher the quality.

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